
Welcome to 2023 5th International Conference on Electronic, Electrical and Communication Engineering.

In principle, there should be at least one author for each paper to participate in this conference. All participants should register online first in order to participate in the conference. Register Here

The following tables are the ticket categories for your reference, please inform us which ticket you would like to choose.

Registration Fee (Full Paper/Abstract)

Ticket categories

What's included

Registration fee

Ticket A (Full paper)

Participation + Publication fee of one paper + Conference Materials + Oral/Poster Presentation

450 USD

Ticket B (Full paper)

Participation + Publication fee of one paper + Conference Materials + Oral/Poster Presentation +Lunch + Banquet

500 USD

Ticket C (Abstract)

Participation + Publication fee of one abstract + Conference Materials + Oral/Poster Presentation

250 USD

Ticket D (Abstract)

Participation + Publication fee of one abstract + Conference Materials + Oral/Poster Presentation +Lunch + Banquet

300 USD

Registration Fee (Listeners)

Ticket categories

What's included

Registration fee

Ticket E (Listeners)

Participation + Conference Materials

200 USD

Ticket F (Listeners)

Participation + Conference Materials + Lunch + Banquet

250 USD

What’s included in the registration fee:
1. Participation: Participation in all sessions in the conference, including the keynote session and panel session;
2. Publication fee of one full paper: Publication fee of one full paper in the journals (Ticket A/B);
3. Publication fee of one abstract: Publication fee of one abstract in the Book of Abtracts (Ticket C/D);
4. Conference Materials: Certificates, Name tag, Conference Guide, souvenirs, etc;
5. Lunch and banquet: the lunch and banquet during the conference (Ticket B/D/F). Participants who chosen Ticket A/C/E will be charged 80 USD on-site if you would like to have lunch and banquet in the hotel;
6. The registration fee does not include the Accommodation and Transportation fee or Visa application fee.

© Copyright 2015-2023 5th International Conference on Electronic, Electrical and Communication Engineering - All rights reserved.