2023 5th International Conference on Electronic, Electrical and Communication Engineering (ICEECE2023) accepts original and unpublished papers.
If you have interest, please submit your paper via http://www.papersubmission.net.
1. Formats of doc and docx are acceptable.
2. Manuscript length should be 6-12 pages.
3. Download Manuscript Template:
If your paper is ready, welcome to submit it either way in the following.
You can also submit your paper through the Online Submission System: http://www.papersubmission.net
2023 5th International Conference on Electronic, Electrical and Communication Engineering accepts original and unpublished papers. If full papers are accepted in the conference, they will be published online respectively in one of the following journals according to the themes. The publication date will be 7-10 days after the final edition.
The cooperated journals of Science Publishing Group have been indexed and abstracted by CNKI (中国知网), WorldCat, CrossRef, Electronic Journals Library, Zeitschriftendatenbank, EZB, ResearchBib, Polish Scholarly Bibliography, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, etc.
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